Gutenberg, Roman Galleons and Bubbly Wine
Mainz (Mayence) was the medieval capital of central Germany since Roman times
located at the joining of the Rhine and Main Rivers. Aside from the magnificent
red stone Romanesque Cathedral (see
Mainz Cathedral) the old city center provides
a number of curious and eclectic museums all reachable on a walking tour
from the city center and many of them free or a very nominal admission
of a few euros.
Museum of Ancient Shipping
Rome controlled what was called “Germania” under
the Emperors Caesar, military war galleons would patrol along the wide
and cargo ships would supply the troops and settlements. In 1981 the
remains of five Roman ships from around the 1st Century A.D. were discovered
in a building project in Mainz where the former Roman harbor once protected
the far north borders of the empire. These truly unique original examples
of Roman era ships is one of the few in the world. The Museum of Ancient
Shipping is dedicated to restoring the artfacts as well as displaying
meticulously constructed replicas. Visitors to the museum can observe
the skilled restorer craftsmen and model builders in the workshop along
with the exhibition of ancient shipbuilding and history of the organization
and functions of the Roman fleet in Germania (see German
Roman Limes Road). Free.
Gutenberg Museum
Gutenberg is pretty much the reason we can read today. His invention
of the moveable type
press 550 years ago made books
available for distribution of the written word to “the masses”,
where before pretty much only priests and royalty had any literacy, the
education of the “ordinary” man made way for the fall of
feudal systems and the rise of modern democracy. Gutenberg spent his
early days in Strasbourg France (see Gutenberg
and a Little Good Wine) but his main printing shop was
located in Mainz and the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz offers an exhibition
of important printed works
from the 15th Century (see Gutenberg
Museum). There are two copies of most famous of his printings
the “Gutenberg Bible” along with a “letter a indulgence” that
particular Catholic concept which particularly riled Martin Luther into
changing the world forever.
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The museum also has the early instruments for hand casting lead press type, ancient maps, other samples of printing, books, broadsheets, plates and exhibits of paper manufacture and book binding. The Museum Print Shop offers a hands-on experience in printing as well as lectures. Specialty books on printing and writing can be had at the The Gutenberg Shop. The English traslation of the website is partially complete.
Mainz Landesmuseum
One of Germany’s oldest museums, the Landesmuseum presents collections of art and cultural history from Roman times to the present. Roman stone monuments, painting, sculptures and handicrafts from the Roman Rhine Bridge, middle ages, baroque period, 19th and 20th Century and the largest collection of drawings and prints from the Rhineland-Palatinate. The Museum's website has a virtual tour for kids, but both unfortunately only in German, but might be fun if you have a child learning Deutsche.
Kupferberg Museum
is bubbly wine not Champagne? When it’s not made in France.
In California its methode champagnois or just sparkling wine. In Germany,
sparkling wine is called “Sekt” and the Kupferberg in Mainz
is the Museum of Sekt in the headquarters of one of Germany’s oldest
sparkling wine vinters, the Sektellerei Kupferberg. The museum offers
a journey through the history of effervescent wine along with tours into
the historic wine caves and deep vaults which go down several levels
with massive decorated oak wine barrels and one of the largest collections
of champagne glasses with over 600 examples. A glass of the bubbly is
provided with the guided tour and tasting is also available for an additional
small charge. Aside from the deep caves one of the highlights of the
museum is the Hall of Grapes, a whimsical art deco entrance hall originally
designed and built as a wine pavilion for the World Exhibition of Paris
in 1900. This one is located on a hillside a little out of town, but
check at the tourist office at the Bruckenturm (Bridge Tower) at the
Rathaus City Hall for transportation info.
Carnival Museum
has one of the oldest and largest spring pre-lent carnivals in Germany
outside of Cologne
(See Crazy
Days) and 160 years of
Mainz Carnival history is presented at the Carnival Museum, located
in the
Supply Depot building near the Romertor the Roman gate to ancient Mainz.
Displays of famous carnival giant heads (Schwellkoepp), jesters’ caps
and sceptors, costumes on audio and old film and TV broadcast recordings.
And don’t forget the Natural History Museum, the City History Museum (see Mainz Citadel Fortress), The Isis and Mater Magna Shrine of the foundations of a Roman Temple found while digging the foundation for a shopping center and the Roman-Germanic Central Museum with works of Roman Age and Frankish and Germanic Kings eras. Check at the Mainz Tourist Office at the City Hall (Rathaus) for a guide and map to the various museums. © Bargain Travel Europe
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